↓ Get Green Party candidates online quickly with personalised domain names and websites.
Fanlight - our work
Green Party candidate sites

We helped the Green Party get their candidates online quickly and easily with their own personalised websites. We created a multi-domain, multi-user CMS, fixing some common content elements while allowing candidates to add as much of their own contact as they liked. The product was built in partnership with Green Party activists in East London and is fully-compliant with party branding and content requirements. For more information, visit our dedicated Green Party project page.
Your Health Barnet

↓ Build a dedicated public health website to encourage the people of Barnet to live healthier lives and make better lifestyle choices.
We helped Barnet Council drive healthier behaviours in their population by creating a dedicated health-focussed website for their residents. Editable and updatable by the client themselves, the site brings together the various national, regional and local support options for making healthier lifestyle choices. The site has been audited to meet WCAG 2.1 AA standard for web accessibility. For more information, visit the Your Health Barnet website.
City of London

↓ Get City of London office workers to get up from their desks and take regular 10-minute walks using digital maps.
We helped the City of London Corporation tackle inactivity among their office workers by creating a series of digital walking maps around the square mile. Designed to be completed in 10-minutes and featuring points of interest along the way, the aim was to get workers away from their desks for regular fresh air and physical activity throughout the day. For more information about the City's approach to health, visit their health and wellbeing pages.
Square Mile Health

↓ Use the Stoptober stop smoking campaign as an opportunity to engage workers in the City of London in a quit attempt.
We help Square Mile Health reach city workers during the national Stoptober smoking cessation campaign, encouraging them to make a 28-day quit attempt as part of the campaign. Our call to action sends them to smoking cessation support in Boots Pharmacy branches near their offices. For more information, visit the quit smoking page on the Square Mile Health website.
Online booking system

↓ Build an online booking system that can be used by independent holiday cottage owners, linking with their Google Calendar accounts.
Independent holiday cottage operators - often with only one property - often struggle with a multitude of online travel agents (OTAs) and their booking systems. We offer a cost-effective solution that allows owners to take bookings direct on their own site, while still updating OTA calendars through integration with Google's calendar API. Instead of updating several calendars at once, our owners simply add a new booking to their cottage's Google calendar and the application does the rest. For more information, visit the booking page of Argil Cottage, one of our holiday cottage operators.
Water Only Schools

↓ Get more children drinking only water at school, reduce consumption of sweetened drinks, improve hydration, and drive better public health outcomes.
For more information, visit the Water Only Schools project page on the Greater London Authority Website.
One You Barnet

↓ Create a localised website as part of the Government's One You campaign to drive healthier lifestyle behaviours in Barnet.
Public Health England's national One You campaign provided a great opportunity to create local websites that would bring health behaviour support into one place, whether provided by the NHS, the council or by charities. We localised the One You campaign on behalf of Barnet Council in North London, creating a dedicated One You Barnet healthy lifestyle website. The site has been audited to meet WCAG 2.1 AA standard for web accessibility.